Book Recommendations for Each Enneagram Type
Sep 03, 2021
If you're reading this article, I'm guessing you too have an Amazon wish list a mile long with books you're going to get around to one of these days.
The list below may help you narrow down your next read by giving a specific recommendation for each Enneagram type.
Know though that these are based on the stereotypical characteristics of each type, so the recommendation may not resonate if you've been studying the Enneagram and yourself for awhile.
There may be another area that you've been working to navigate through, so that's why you'll find the recommendation for the type or anyone struggling with this specific issue (i.e. perfectionism, self-doubt, etc.).
If you have an alternative or additional recommendation for your type, join the conversation over on Instagram here and let me know!
Best Book for Type 1
The Perfectionist, The Reformer, The Improver
Ones are striving to feel perfect and create an ideal world and version of themselves. They're usually thinking if they could just work a little harder, they could achieve that perfection, but it's always just out of reach, causing them to feel defective and unable to do it "right."
The Gifts of Imperfection is a great resource for Type Ones or anyone with this perfectionist energy to help rewrite your narrative around imperfection and "failing."
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
“Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life. Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. In fact, it's often the path to depression, anxiety, addiction, and life paralysis.”
Best Book for Type 2
The Helper, The Caretaker, The Giver
Twos are striving to feel connected. In order to do that they feel like they must earn the love and appreciation through acts of service and putting others' needs above their own. When Twos move away from the default mode where they feel the need to give love, you'll see them simply being love.
The Mastery of Love will give Twos, or anyone who struggles with thinking they need to earn love, insightful reflections for a deeper self-awareness.
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz
"Humans who hunt each other for love will never be satisfied, they will never find the love they need in other humans. The love we need to hunt is inside ourselves."
Best Book for Type 3
The Achiever, The Role Model, The Performer
Threes strive to feel outstanding and tend to get that feeling through external awards and accolades. The work of the Type Three will be to find acceptance within and believe they are already worthy, not from their work status or accomplishments. Stop Checking Your Likes by Susie Moore will give some inspiration to relook at how you define your worth as a Type Three or anyone else believing they need to prove through worth through work and worldly "success."
Stop Checking Your Likes by Susie Moore
“When you affirm yourself, it automatically allows others to do the same.”
Best Book for Type 4
The Individualist, The Romantic, The Artist
Type Fours are striving to feel unique and significant. They tend to struggle with feeling defective and never good enough, believing they were born that way and others have something they don't. This can sometimes lead Fours to believing they're a victim and can lose themselves in the emotional pain of it all.
Some of the Fours work will be to find meaning in the disappointment and negative feelings we all can feel, rather than be defined it. This book by Holocaust survivor, Victor Frankl, will help Fours, or anyone wrestling with the meaning of life, or specifically their own life.
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
"The greatest task for any person is to find the meaning in his or her life: in work (doing something significant), in love (caring for another person), and in courage during difficult times."
Best Book for Type 5
The Investigator, The Observer, The Expert
Enneagram Fives are striving to feel capable and self-sufficient. Because of that they may hold back on moving forward towards their goals until they are an "expert" and 100% ready. The work of a Type Five will be to use all that they already know to get started and move from learning to doing. This book by Marine Corps veteran and best-selling author, Steven Pressfield, can help Fives, anyone struggling to put their ideas into action, with getting out of their heads and into a practice of doing the work each day, regardless of how "good" it is.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
"There's no mystery to turning pro. It's a decision. We make up our mind to view ourselves as pro and we do it. Simple as that."
Best Book for Type 6
The Loyalist, The Skeptic, The Troubleshooter
The Enneagram Six is striving to feel safe and secure. Sometimes they have the reputation of being the anxious type (any type can have anxiety!), but fear isn't all bad. It's there to protect us. Sixes, and those who second guess their judgement, will show growth as they get in touch with their inner guidance and trust themselves. "The Gift of Fear" recommendation can help you start to trust your body's instincts more even when your mind can't make sense of them in the moment.
The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker
"Can you imagine an animal reacting to the gift of fear the way some people do, with annoyance and disdain instead of attention? No animal in the wild suddenly overcome with fear would spend any of its mental energy thinking, 'It’s probably nothing.'"
Best Book for Type 7
The Enthusiast, The Multi-Tasker, The Energizer
Sevens are striving to feel excited and will go about getting that need satisfied by a constant search for stimulation, adventure, and activity. Many of us, not just Sevens, will look to social media or Netflix to distract us rather than sit with our own thoughts and feelings. "Digital Minimalism" will give Sevens, and anyone else who leans on constant connection and boosts from "likes," new perspectives about how limiting that can actually be.
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
“Marcus Aurelius asked: “You see how few things you have to do to live a satisfying and reverent life?”
Best Book for Type 8
The Challenger, The Protector, The Boss
Eights are striving to feel powerful and strong. They're known for having the greatest energy of all on the Enneagram, so you'll find them using their abundant energy to affect change in their environment, among their people, or for a good cause. "You are a Badass" is a direct, funny, and tell-it-like-it-is reminder for Eights, or anyone who's forgotten how powerful they really are.
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
“In order to kick ass you must first lift up your foot."
Best Book for Type 9
The Peacemaker, The Comforter, The Mediator
Nines are striving to feel at peace - both internally and in their external environment. Sometimes they have a reputation for being lazy because they'll use stillness to numb out and escape reality with a Netflix binge or nap fest. But stillness can be powerful when used with intention. "Stillness Speaks" is a great reminder for Nines, and anyone else who's forgotten who they are, on how to meet their desire peace and calm by connecting with a strong knowing of who they really are, not through numbing out, but by awaken and intentional stillness.
Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle
“Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.”
Did you find a new book you're ready to try out? Or have another recommendation to add? Join the conversation over on this Instagram post at @enneagrammba.
P.S. When you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:
---> Listen and Subscribe to the Enneagram MBA Podcast HERE to learn from other business owner and leaders of all Enneagram types, on topics covering starting and growing a business, finding your purpose, and ways to get known and reach more people with your message, mission, and services.
---> Book an Enn Focus Session HERE to focus in on one part of your Enneagram journey. It may be to start to uncover your dominant Enneagram type, study your subtype or Instinct, or to learn how to use your Enneagram information in your work and life. Knowledge isn't power. It's what you do with that knowledge that's power. Inside here, we'll start to identify specific changes in habits, beliefs, or thoughts needed in order to step into the ideal version of you.
---> Learn more HERE about bringing the Enneagram to your team, group, or organization for a workshop experience.
Looking to strengthen your team’s dynamics and boost collaboration? Book a team-building Enneagram workshop with Enneagram MBA and discover how understanding personality types can transform your workplace relationships and elevate your team’s performance!