How Your Enneagram Type Can Help You Deal with Change in the Workplace

change enneagram at work Apr 10, 2023


The Enneagram is a personality framework that can be incredibly useful in navigating change at work. Each of the nine Enneagram types has a unique way of approaching change, and understanding your type can help you develop strategies for handling change more effectively.

For example, if you're a Type One, you might find that you resist change because you're attached to the way things "should" be. By recognizing this tendency, you can work on being more open to different ways of doing things.

On the other hand, if you're a Type Seven, you might thrive on change and excitement, but struggle with follow-through. By recognizing this tendency, you can work on staying focused and seeing projects through to completion.

No matter what your Enneagram type, learning more about it can help you develop greater self-awareness and resilience in the face of change. By embracing your strengths and working on your challenges, you can become more adaptable and successful in your career.


Here's a brief overview of how each type may approach changes in the workplace:


Type 1: Ones may struggle with change at work because they typically prefer structure and routine. They may feel anxious or overwhelmed by unexpected changes in their work environment.


Type 2: Twos may be more adaptable to change than some other types because they are naturally attuned to the needs of others. They may be able to pivot easily to meet the needs of a changing work environment.



Type 3: Threes are typically ambitious and goal-oriented, so they may view changes in the workplace as opportunities to advance their careers. They may be eager to take on new challenges and may be quick to adapt to changes.



Type 4: Fours will tend to think about change in terms about how it will impact them What effect will have it on their role and overall career? Will it allow them to do more meaningful work? Will the change allow their creativity to thrive? 


Type 5: Fives may be more comfortable with change if they can understand the underlying reasons and implications. They may prefer to analyze and research changes before fully embracing them.



Type 6: Sixes may be anxious about change at work, particularly if they perceive it as a threat to their security or stability. However, they may be able to adapt well if they feel supported and prepared.



Type 7: Sevens may be excited by change at work and may see it as an opportunity for new experiences and adventures. They may struggle, however, if they feel confined or restricted by changes in their work environment.


Type 8: Eights may be resistant to change if they feel it threatens their authority or control. However, if they see changes as necessary for success, they may be able to adapt quickly and decisively.



Type 9: Nines may be adaptable to change as long as it doesn't disrupt their peace and harmony. They may need time to adjust to changes but may be able to do so if they feel supported and valued.


Did your dominant Enneagram type line up with how you typically approach change? Did you notice any of your co-workers' relationship with change? Was it helpful in better understanding them? 



If you lead a team or plan to host an event where you'd like the Enneagram to be shared through the lens of change learn more about the presentation and workshop options below:

If you're a business owner or professional and looking for help using your personality to navigate a change in your own life, check out the Enneagram coaching options:


Learn More About Enneagram MBA: 

 Sarah Wallace is the owner of Enneagram MBA, a team training company, host of the Enneagram MBA podcast, speaker, and workshop facilitator. Companies and organizations hire her to help them use the Enneagram to develop confident, effective, and emotionally intelligent leaders with powerful, productive, and happy teams.


Looking to strengthen your team’s dynamics and boost collaboration? Book a team-building Enneagram workshop with Enneagram MBA and discover how understanding personality types can transform your workplace relationships and elevate your team’s performance!

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