Understanding People

Articles and interviews about using the Enneagram at work.

Use Enneagram Type to Help Your Team Achieve Their Goals

enneagram and goals type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 type 5 type 6 type 7 type 8 type 9 Jan 01, 2023
Enneagram and Goal Setting on the Enneagram MBA podcast

Lots of time and talk goes into goal-setting each year.

But, how much time goes into planning for what roadblocks may come up and how you're going to navigate around them (or help those you lead navigate around them)?

Inside episode 35 of the Enneagram at Work podcast, you'll learn about the personality and values of each type and how they may think about setting intentions this year.

You'll also hear about 3 common roadblocks each type might encounter that could prevent them from working towards their intentions and goals as a manager or professional in the workplace.


Type 8's will achieve their goals this year when...

 they're responsible for making big things happen and empowering others to come along. They tend to be very attuned to the injustices in their industry, organization, or the world in general. Eights have the bold, decisive, high energy to do something about it, whether it be for their teammates or clients.


Superpowers Eights can bring to achieving goals:

  • Self-assurance 
  • Natural Leadership
  • Negotiating
  • Honesty/Directness
  • Protecting others

What they'll need to make their goals happen:

  • Autonomy
  • Being their own boss when possible
  • A challenge
  • Be around other high-energy people
  • Truth

What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: When justice turns to revenge 

As an Eight, their Thought Fixation is Vengeance where they think about rebalancing wrongs through thoughts about anger, blame, and intimidation. Be aware of when justice and passion morph into unhealthy revenge.

Roadblock 2: When their passion becomes too intimidating and domineering

The Type Eight Emotion Fixation is Lust defined as excessiveness in a variety of forms as a way to avoid and deny feelings of vulnerability. This need for intensity can work for them or work against them.  With their anger living just below the surface, Eights will need to be aware of how they're being perceived by others in order to allow others to get involved in their missions for injustice and to spread the message they're so passionate about sharing. 

Roadblock 3: Always wanting to be seen as powerful and strong, never vulnerable

Another coping strategy Type Eights have is their Defense Mechanism of Denial. This happens when they negate the very existence of any thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that cause them anxiety or feelings of vulnerability by disavowing these emotions entirely as if they never occurred or existed - both for themselves and others. The result is that others don’t feel seen and they end up bottling up uncomfortable emotions up, until eventually they explode.


Type 9's will achieve their goals this year when...

they spend time to tune in and get clear on what their own goals and desires truly are versus what they might be picking up from someone else.

People are drawn to their calming effect, non-judgmental, and reassuring presence. Others want to be connected with them - hiring them, assigned to a project collaboration, etc.

As much as they're able and willing to go with the flow, Nines also need to remember it's okay to rock the boat this year and speak up for what they want.


Superpowers to bring to their goals:

  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Broad perspective; ability to see and sit with the grey
  • Listening skills
  • Openness 


What they’ll need to achieve their goals:

  • Comfort - physical and emotional smooth sailing - examples: an office with the door closed, ample amount of snacks, familiarity, breathing room in your schedule 
  • Fairness 
  • Just the right amount of distractions 
  • Calm and serene work and day-to-day at home and in career - without conflict
  • To be connected with others 


What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: doing comfortable tasks when they should be doing more essential tasks

Face important decisions even if they are hard.

Roadblock 2: saying no - they’ll do almost anything to avoid conflict

They'll need to prioritize, rather than treating everything as equally important.

Roadblock 3: showing their anger or even acknowledging they’re angry 

Encourage them to stand up for themselves. Don't let going with the flow keep them from taking action and making things happen. Sometimes that boat needs to be rocked. Support them in taking clear positions even if it risks making someone else mad. 


Type 1's will achieve their goals this year when...

there’s a larger social or moral purpose driving their vision for their business. 


Ones are idealistic and can see the possibilities for all the ways to take projects, other people, and themselves from good to great. 


When Ones are allowed to both - cast the vision and have the autonomy for creating the plan to get there - they'll not only make great things happen but also inspire others to do the same. 


Superpowers to bring to their goals:

  • Ability to organize and plan, create realistic timelines and schedules - they know how to execute the idea 
  • Attention to detail - they can think through the process and identify what needs to be done
  • Being responsible comes naturally - when they take charge they create predictability and try to treat everyone according to the same standard
  • Courteous and politically correct - they combine their principles with their love for helping comfort others and improve their knowledge
  • Strong ideals - They inspire others to make ethical choices in their work and personal lives, encouraging them to be truthful, live up to their potential 

What they’ll need to achieve their goals: 

  • Fairness
  • Respect 
  • Get things right
  • A “trapdoor” to release stress - getaway or doing something on a regular basis that doesn’t fit their usual self-image 
  • They work hard and expect others to do the same


What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: self-critical and judgemental of others 

The pursuit of perfection can keep them stuck. Progress always tops perfection (because perfection doesn't exist). 

Roadblock 2: overly crowded schedule 

They're responsible and hard-working. This can sometimes lead others to believe that no one else can do it as well as them, so the Ones then in return can feel the need to take on all the tasks. "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself" is their motto. While deep down they may know this isn't sustainable, help them remember not to run themselves into the ground this year. They can't make progress towards their goals when they're burnt out.  

Roadblock 3: one right way of doing something

They can see so clearly there's a right way to do something - and a wrong way. But is that true? Could there be another way? Another way that makes life easier for them? A way that allows others' ideas to be heard and tried? Maybe even a way they haven't thought of yet that provides better results? Encourage them to be open to more than one "right" way and see what unfolds for them with their goals this year.


Type 2's will achieve their goals this year when...

their work is centered around helping others reach their own goals. 


While tasks are required to make things happen, Twos will set themselves up for success when time spent working directly with people is more than checking off to-do's and dealing with data. 


They will need to check in with themselves throughout to ensure they are taking care of themselves too.


Superpowers they bring to their goals: 

  • Caring - they “get it." Not just intellectually, but emotionally, they are a safe place for others to come to and feel seen and heard 
  • Creating a feel-good atmosphere - they pay attention to the physical and emotional ambiance of the group
  • Going the extra mile for others - they have a gold standard of customer service 
  • Excellent people skills - they are incredibly tuned into people’s needs

What they’ll need to achieve their goals:

  • To be appreciated - it goes a long way when someone notices their efforts
  • To be treated well - they like to be the secret power behind the throne, especially to those that might not get treated well such as janitors and food services; in return, they enjoy receiving favors others don’t normally get
  • To fit in with their peers and networking group by connecting with others  
  • Making a difference - they need work that allows them to focus more on the people rather than the tasks


What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: not taking care of themselves because they are so focused on others 

It's like the saying we've all heard, but Twos really need to embody it - "Put your own oxygen mask on first" They're no good to anyone burnt out. Also, it may be worth checking in with themselves honestly if those they're helping actually want their help or advice. They may be wearing themselves out needlessly. 

Roadblock 2: getting taken advantage due to their desire to help or please others

Before saying yes, they'll need to work on their go-to response being "I'd love to help but let me get back to you once I look at my schedule." It's automatic for them to want to jump in and help, but again, they can't help anyone if they're tired and run down. 

Roadblock 3: overwhelmed and overburdened when they can’t say no 

The solution to this one is simple but not necessarily easy for our Twos - Allow others to help. They need to be taken care of sometimes too. 


Type 3's will achieve their goals this year when...

they're in a leadership or mentor position of some kind where they get to inspire others and bring them along the road to success.


Three's are efficient and great at asking the right questions and getting the right people on board with their goals. 


They're big dreamers and will need to surround themselves with people who support those dreams and the risks they'll take to make big things happen.


Superpowers they bring to their goals:

  • Ability to inspire others 
  • Efficient - at asking the right questions, getting the right people on board, and having it all move in the same direction toward the goal
  • Ability to read people - and then can adjust as needed 
  • Strong drive to win - and push others to succeed and live up to their potential as well
  • Hard workers - their "get it done" energy ensures they accomplish whatever they set their mind to 
  • Open to taking risks - they tend to be naturally optimistic and confident in their abilities 

What they’ll need to achieve their goals:

  • An image that reflects success 
  • Dreams - they need big goals to pursue and to really feel alive and thrive! 
  • Recognition - a pat on the back and a "gold star" can go a long way 
  • Stress reduction - they are constantly working so help them remember to make it to the end of the year without crashing; they'll need to occasionally take a step back and recharge 


What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: being impatient and forcing it 

Being in the Assertive Stance, Three's tend to be very future-focused. They want to go far and fast.  This constant push though will catch up with them and they'll end up burnt out. They can focus on controlling what they can and then trusting that the things they can't will unfold at the right time.

Roadblock 2: allowing their self-worth to be determined by their achievements 

Failure is never fun for anyone, but as a Three it is soul-crushing. Their entire worth as a person can be wrapped up in how successful their latest project was, so it's devastating when things don't work out like they wanted.

Their growth work in this area will be to broaden their interests beyond work with other activities or hobbies, so they can see that there's so much more to life than only work success.

Roadblock 3: burning out from overworking 

Three's are the ultimate workaholics. Working non-stop is not only unsustainable but also unenjoyable. They never let themselves celebrate how far they've come and the goals they've already accomplished. To support them, help them work on setting firm boundaries around their working hours, and push them to get involved in non-work related hobbies and activities. 


Type 4's will achieve their goals this year when...

they're doing meaningful work. Mundane tasks and the wrong working atmosphere will drain a Four. 


Fours are thinking, "What can I contribute?” “Am I doing work that is adding something to the world?” “Is my work making a difference?” and if they can answer yes, they'll be lit up and make important change happen.


Superpowers they bring to goal setting:

  • Authenticity
  • Compassion/empathy
  • Creativity 
  • Deep meaning
  • Dauntlessness - their courage inspires others to stir things - they’ll speak up if the subject is important to them

What they’ll need to achieve their goals:

  • Authenticity as a guiding principle - the services and products they sell, build, or provide will need to be things they believe in
  • Beauty, style 
  • Creative outlets - they'll need to express themselves in some way 
  • Time apart from others - they won’t likely do well in creative on-demand type of work or back-to-back-to-back meetings and agendas; ensure they're carving out wide open space in their calendar to play and create without any pressure


What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: getting lost in their mind or ideals of the world 

They will need to channel their Type One Arrow/Resource Point to add structure and guardrails to their ideals so that they can bring them to life and allow them to happen. 

Roadblock 2: envy - feeling like they are defective 

As Fours, it's a core story to feel like others have something that they're missing. To help realize all the amazing things they do and bring to the table (and they bring so many!), take time to reflect with them, identify, and appreciate what they do have, and contribute to the team.

Roadblock 3: needing everything to be original and beautiful and unique 

This can stall the work they want to put out or the impact they want to have. They'l need to remember that sometimes ordinary is okay. Not everything has to be unique and one-of-a-kind. 


Type 5's will achieve their goals this year when...

they can bring their observational superpowers, expertise, and logical reflection to a project or mission. 


Fives are incredibly creative and have an original way of seeing the world and how their work can help others. 


When they can use those gifts to creatively solve any roadblocks that may come up, there's no stopping them at work. 


Superpowers they'll want to bring to their goal setting: 

  • Focus - this is such a gift! They rarely go off on tangents or get distracted from their original goal.
  • Ability to grasp structure - they perceive how things fit together and can predict likely outcomes
  • Objectivity - they see things in an unbiased, non-judgemental way
  • They have an original way of looking at the world - they can come up with creative ways to go around red tape
  • Sensitivity - they're highly aware of others (the observer!), inherently gentle, and considerate 

What they’ll need to achieve their goals: 

  • Independence - they have a laissez-faire attitude towards people and would appreciate the same in return
  • Intellectual stimulation
  • Time alone
  • Time to respond 
  • To be self-directed and perceived as self-directed  


What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: hoarding; believing there's not enough to go around; scarcity mindset

This withholding of resources, or more likely emotions and time, could hurt the feelings of someone they care about - a peer, a client, a friend, or a family member. Some of their growth work will be to trust that they'll be taken care of and there will be enough. While they are very good at setting firm, but healthy boundaries, help them check in and ensure they apply the boundaries accordingly to that specific situation.

Roadblock 2: thinking, thinking thinking 

Fives can be extremely cerebral - very much living inside their heads and can forget they have a body. Work with them to set goals and put time on their calendar to get out of their head - take a walk during lunch, catch up with a teammate on another floor, etc. 

Roadblock 3: always avoiding emotional conflict 

They're comfortable with intellectual conflict and might even welcome it, but anything that seems illogical or overly emotional is hard to process. It can be frustrating to engage with someone who is emotional and seems like they're overreacting, but if that relationship is important to them, they'll need to work on stepping out of their comfort zone to see and hear them - rather than jump into problem-solving.


Type 6's will achieve their goals this year when...

they're collaborating, planning, preparing, and providing support for others.


Their fear of something bad happening gives them the ability to analyze, create systems, and minimize risk to help ensure what they set out to do this year gets done.


Superpowers they can bring to their goals: 

  • Being exact - because they fear losing or something bad happening that can give them the ability to analyze, create systems, and minimize risk 
  • Skepticism - this is essential for getting to the truth of something and can be a real asset in business
  • Loyalty 
  • Problem-solving -  similar to Type 5’s, they excel at reviewing and making sense of large amounts of complex information
  • Protectiveness - this may come more naturally for the counterphobic Six, but phobic Sixes do the same, they just have more creative solutions to protect themselves and others
  • Wit - this probably comes from finding ways to cope with fear and anger, seeing past phoniness, and pointing to the truth most of us haven’t perceived - Jon Stewart is an example of this humor.

What they’ll need to achieve their goals:

  • Certainty - predictable work days, and projects, too many possibilities of what-ifs can leave their minds overworking
  • Fighting for a cause 
  • Intellectual and physical stimulation - their nervous system needs to discharge energy, so avoid taking jobs or roles where they might be expected to look busy when you have nothing to do. They thrive in careers that keep them challenged and active. 
  • Reassurance - support systems, protective boss, they’ll be enough money, etc. 


What might get in their way...


Roadblock 1: too cautious or hesitant 

Analysis paralysis can come into play here. The opposite could be a roadblock too - doing the opposite and jumping in recklessly just to prove they're not afraid.

Roadblock 2: self-doubt

They might be second-guessing themselves or vacillating in their decisions. Part of this comes from their Center of Intelligence being in the head - they process the world through thinking. The more they look for answers outside of themselves though, the more they'll realize that they know just as much as others do, if not more. There's no industry authority or guru who holds something they're missing and need. The biggest thing they need is to trust and believe in themselves.

Roadblock 3: trying to control everything

They want certainty and control, so they can minimize the risk of anything bad happening. However, when they try and control everything, not only is it exhausting and going to burn them out, but it cuts off any creativity or something better from unfolding. 


Type 7's will achieve their goals this year when...


they're casting visions and helping others see what's possible.


They are the ultimate visionaries with "Why not?" pioneering energy that allows new ventures and ideas to unfold. 


Sevens thrive in relationship building and networking. When they can pair that with the needed structure and commitment to follow through on their ideas, expect to see great things from them this year.


Superpowers they bring to their goals:

  • Pioneering energy - exploring new ventures (serial entrepreneur??), “Why not?” energy
  • Multitasking - their quick thought process is well suited for work that requires flexibility, versatility, and the ability to juggle multiple activities simultaneously 
  • Networking/relationship building - they're good at conversing, gathering information, and making connections
  • Optimism - “I know we can do it;" they generate excitement and belief in what’s possible 
  • Playfulness - they find ways to get the most out of life with a sense of humor and that can be contagious to the team

What they’ll need to achieve their goals as a Seven: 

  • Fun and excitement - they spice up work with creative situations 
  • Lack of limits - they need options, variety, flexibility as much as possible
  • Idealism - they need to be passionate about their work, it is hard to do the job/work for long if they’re not passionate about it  
  • Being liked 


What might get in their way...


 Roadblock 1: running from negativity and conflict 

In order to make progress, to have something they've never had before, they need to do something they've never done before - deal with their emotions. Eventually running from hard emotions and difficult conversations is going to catch up with them. As uncomfortable and hard as it may be, they'll be able to go further in their career, in their relationships, and with their own development when they face the conflict and challenges head on.

Roadblock 2: commitment - too many ideas, not enough follow-through 

Brainstorming is the love language for Type Sevens! They love to come up with creative ideas, but bringing them to life with the mundane tasks and structure needed for most projects can be hard.

Roadblock 3: planning for the future constantly, not being present

They'll need to be reminded not to let their life pass them by but rather live it and be where their feet are. To help do this, they can scale back their activities and work projects and allow it to be okay to be bored. Help them be present with no plans for what they're going to do next.


Of course, people are more than a single number on the Enneagram, so not all of these may be accurate or accurate at all times. The key is to understand what lights your people up and what could knock them off course. Use these as a starting place for goal setting and achieving conversations.


About the Author:

Hi there! I'm Sarah Wallace -  owner of Enneagram MBA - a team training company, host of the Enneagram at Work podcast, speaker, and Certified Enneagram Coach.


With over 15 years in relationship-building roles working with government agencies and companies like the US EPA and adidas Outdoor, now small business owners, national organizations, and event organizers hire me to help them use the Enneagram to develop confident, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent leaders with powerful, productive, and happy teams.


Learn more about bringing the Enneagram to your team or event: https://www.enneagrammba.com/enneagram-team-workshops




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