Understanding People

Articles and interviews about using the Enneagram at work.

The Money Issue: Understanding People #003

enneagram and money Jul 30, 2022
Enneagram and Money Podcast Episode 9

"Money is an area where we need, individually and collectively, a radical healing of our mental habits."

- Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love


The Money Issue: Understanding People Vol. 002


The intention of this newsletter each week is to provide informative and entertaining resources for deepening your knowledge about human behavior at work and at home --- including your own :) 


This week is all about understanding your relationship with money - how you save, spend, budget, and invest it. You'll find 5 resources below, and a money mindset by Enneagram type podcast episode above. 


Resources & New Perspectives








Money Stories by Enneagram Type

Like Lady Gaga said, “If you don't have shadows, you're not in the light." One of the biggest shadows that can show up is in our relationship with money. Whether you feel like there's never enough, your worth is based on how much you have, or you don't understand why you keep having the same money challenges over and over, there's probably an explanation hidden in the shadows. Click here to find your type's money story and healing message.


20 Short Stories About the Strange Ways People Think About Money

"Doing well with money has little to do with how smart you and a lot to do with how you behave."

I've been hearing about the book for awhile now and it took me seeing that it had recently passed the 2 million mark of copies sold to get curious about what I've been missing. It's packed full of interesting perspectives that will make you think twice. Read it cover to cover or skip to the most interesting chapters. Read it here.


Which of these impacts your spending habits the most?

Inside this mini-training, you'll learn about the 3 Enneagram Instincts and how to identify your dominant one. You may also notice it coming up in your own money stories - and in others. This can be eye-opening, especially if money happens to be a consistent issue in a relationship of yours. Watch here.


When optimism isn't a good thing

The Brainy Business podcast is one of my favorites. Each week, host Melina Palmer dives into the psychology of marketing and sales. And inside this episode, with Dr. Chuck Howard, they get into human behavior tendencies and money - saving, budgeting, and spending. Listen in to find out if you recognize any of these patterns in yourself.


Understanding the Stock Market

Delyanne is a nationally recognized money expert, podcast host, and millionaire Latina. She says that money may not buy you happiness, but it buys you the freedom to pursue happiness. As a former lawyer, she now teaches people how to invest in the stock market inside her Slay the Stock Market course. Learn more about how she help here!

I hope you found something useful in this weekend's email that benefit your own wealth building journey.

If you know of someone else who might enjoy it, please send their way!

Until next time...


Whenever you are ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:


1) Entertain or inform at your next event with an Enneagram speaker here. 


2) Improve communication, reduce conflict, and maximize potential on your team inside an Enneagram workshop. Check out the current menu here.


3) Navigate a career change or business pivot with important insight about your personality here. 


4) Uncover your dominant Enneagram type and identify specific ways to start using it at work and home here.


Looking to strengthen your team’s dynamics and boost collaboration? Book a team-building Enneagram workshop with Enneagram MBA and discover how understanding personality types can transform your workplace relationships and elevate your team’s performance!

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Better Understand Yourself & Others at Work

Understanding People is a free newsletter sent out on weekends with Enneagram insights, training and development trends, book recommendations, and human behavior fun facts to help you build happy and productive relationships at work and tap into the best version of yourself.

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