Understanding People

Articles and interviews about using the Enneagram at work.

Using the Enneagram's Three Centers of Intelligence in Your Leadership on the Trench Leadership Podcast

leadership Jun 17, 2022

How do you know what leadership ingredients to use?  What ingredients are you bringing to the table?  When should you start baking your leadership cookies?


In this podcast interview with Simon Kardynal, host of the Trench Leadership podcast, we talk about practical methods to help emerging leaders understand what leadership ingredients they already possess and how leaders can use this knowledge to help them along their leadership learning journey and be the best team leaders they want to be.



Simon is a Canadian who retired from the Canadian Armed Forces after 26 years of experience being a follower and leader. His podcast is for emerging leaders who tend to carry the burden of leading ‘in the trenches’, often feeling overwhelmed as they travel along their new role as the leader.

In Trench Leadership: A Podcast From the Front, a Top 20 for Best Canadian Leadership-themed podcasts in 2021, Simon uses his personal and professional experience, his education (Master of Arts in Leadership), and guests to provide advice, inspiration, and practical tools to help emerging leaders find their path right in the trenches, helping them be the leader they want to be.

Listen in to our conversation about the Enneagram here and catch other episodes on various leadership topics here.


Looking to strengthen your team’s dynamics and boost collaboration? Book a team-building Enneagram workshop with Enneagram MBA and discover how understanding personality types can transform your workplace relationships and elevate your team’s performance!

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