The Difference Between Type 1 and Type 4

type 1 type 4 May 10, 2022

"Is it possible that your number changes over the years? I remember being a 1 like five or six years ago, and now I did the test just for fun and I'm a 4 apparently (?)"

This was such a great question I got over on Instagram the other day. While these two types on the surface may look very different, there are some very interesting similarities that do make this confusing sometimes.

Both are very idealistic.

Ones have an ideal version of how the world "should" be and Fours have an idealistic version of themselves. And both deal with the specific feeling of frustration (along with Type 7s) when that ideal version isn't lived up to.

Arrow lines to each other

Most confusing though can be that when a One is in stress, they move to a Type Four, where they inner critic intensifies and they can slip into more depressed feelings.

And then a Four is in growth or feeling secure, it's Arrow is to a One, bringing the needed structure and routine to their ideals and creative projects.

Core drivers

At the end of the day, the thing that makes a Type 1 a Type 1 and a Type 4 a Type 4 is their core driver or core strategy that they use to get their needs met and align with their most important values. 

For a Type 1, that core strategy is to feel perfect, correct, and right.

For a Type 4, that core strategy is to feel significant, unique, and accepted for their authentic self. 

Key differences

When that still isn't clear which type is your dominant one, the podcast episode above or the video below, will give you insights into other key differences between the two, including:

  • how they each make decisions
  • their orientation to time
  • how they get their needs met
  • how they handle conflict
  • handling the common good vs. personal desires 


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