A Type 5 and Type 6 Working Relationship with Speaking Your Brand CEO, Carol Cox and Lead Coach, Diane Diaz 

type 5 type 6 Jun 02, 2022
Speaking Your Brand CEO, Carol Cox and Lead Coach, Diane Diaz. An Enneagram type 5 and Type 6 working relationship.



Have you been running a business of your own and love your clients and the work you get to do with them, but aren't so in love with the backend tasks of creating funnels, new promotions, accounting, etc. etc. and wish you could just focus on helping people?

Inside this interview with Speaking Your Brand CEO, Carol Cox (Type 5), and Lead Speaking Coach, Diane Diaz (Type 6), you'll get an inside look into what that could look like for you, including: 

  • what it's like to join someone else's team as a former entrepreneur and what to consider before you make the change
  • what bringing in a lead coach to your team looks like and why you may want to consider that option
  • what parts of Carol and Diane's unique personalities have each contributed to a successful and fun working partnership

If you happen to identify with either the Type 5 or Type 6, I think you'll feel so seen inside this conversation :) 

And if you don't, you're going to get such an insightful look into those in your life with possible Type 5 or 6 energy.

Additional resources:
Connect with Carol on Linkedin
Connect with Diane on Linkedin

Listen to the Speaking Your Brand Podcast
Learn more about the Thought Leadership Academy

The episode I share my Thought Leadership Academy experience on, with a focus on the mindset shift around charging for speaking and selling yourself as a speaker: The Key to Booking More Speaking Engagements with Sarah Lynn Wallace: Podcast Ep. 274

Book recommendations:
The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown
Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Top Tool Recommendations:
Carol's favorite - Loom for recording processes to help with delegating
Diane's favorite - Voxer to stay connected and get quick questions answered


If we're not already connected, say hello and let me know which type you most identify with over on Instagram or Linkedin.

If you are a business owner or team leader, grab the new free resource: Understanding People Cheat Sheet that has a short and sweet summary of how to work best with each Enneagram type. 

Looking to strengthen your team’s dynamics and boost collaboration? Book a team-building Enneagram workshop with Enneagram MBA and discover how understanding personality types can transform your workplace relationships and elevate your team’s performance!

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