Enneagram and Marketing: Understanding Your Buyer Issue #008
Sep 02, 2022
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Within the Enneagram framework there are many different groupings. One of those is around your default communication style and how you handle conflict.
In addition to it giving you that insight, y...
Enneagram and Marketing: Content Ideas from Each Type
Dec 06, 2021
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Staring at a blank page is the worst. Many times you know what you want to talk about it, but just unsure of how to share it in a way that's both entertaining and educational.
If you're feeling st...
How to Find the Right Clients for YOU
Jul 24, 2021
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In his book, This is Marketing, Seth Godin shared this story about a comedian who's agent booked him at a spot in New York City.
When he showed up to the club, he was in a great mood, and...