Igniting Your Inner Genius with Enlivened Studios CEO, Shannon Hughes, Type 7 (or Type 3!) type 3 type 7 Jan 27, 2022

I'm sure by now you've heard the advice to find and follow your genius, your superpower, to build an authentic and successful business.

Sounds great. Solid advice.

But, have you ever questioned wha...

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Corporate to Camper: Riding into the Unknown with Laura Leaton, Type 2, 3 or 7 type 2 type 3 type 7 Jan 19, 2022

Have you ever thought, even just for a minute, what it would be like to live life on the road?

Back in 2020, I became obsessed with the idea. Like pretty much everyone, I was ready to shake things...

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Leading like a Type 8 Woman with Leadership and Sales Coach, Leslie Lyons type 8 Jan 13, 2022

Leslie Lyons is a business strategist, sales coach, soul whisperer, and speaker who helps brick-and-mortar bosses sell in a way that comes naturally, find their true leadership style, and build a...

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Your Second Most Important Enneagram Type enneagram in stress type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 type 5 type 6 type 7 type 8 type 9 Dec 16, 2021

In this episode, you're going to learn about what your Enneagram type looks like in stress and which type it goes to once it's exhausted it's normal copies strategies and defense mechanisms. 


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Enneagram and Marketing: Content Ideas from Each Type marketing Dec 06, 2021


Staring at a blank page is the worst. Many times you know what you want to talk about it, but just unsure of how to share it in a way that's both entertaining and educational.

If you're feeling st...

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Behind the Scenes with Enneagram Magazine Creators Bekah, Type 4 and Molly, Type 9 type 4 type 9 Nov 18, 2021

 Bekah TenHaken  and Molly Tindall are the co-creators behind Enneagram Magazine, a beautiful print publication that goes out each quarter. 

When you listen in today,  you'll get to hear more abou...

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10 Ingredients of an Enneagram Type enneagram find your type Nov 17, 2021

You might be on the search to uncover your Enneagram type or you might have already found it.

Either way, when you tune in here, you'll get a better understanding of what an Enneagram type is made u...

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The Enneagram and Love: 4 Keys That Can Help You Find or Keep Romance enneagram and love enneagram books relationships Nov 04, 2021

 In this training originally hosted over on Instagram, we're using Sex, Love and Your Personality: Nine Faces of Intimacy by Mona Coates and Judith Searle to guide us through the four parts of the Enn...

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Sex and the Enneagram, Artist and Author Ann Gadd, Type 9 sex and the enenagram type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 type 5 type 6 type 7 type 8 type 9 Sep 30, 2021

You are in for a treat to learn from artist, accredited Enneagram practitioner, holistic therapist, journalist, workshop facilitator and author of 36 books, Ann Gadd. Her style has been described...

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How to Find Your Enneagram Type enneagram enneagram types Sep 14, 2021

Don’t know where to start with understanding and using the Enneagram? Start here! :)

This video was inspired by a question/comment I received over on Instagram. If you’re new to the Enneagram too, y...

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Do You Have Enneagram Type Seven Energy? enneagram enneagram 7 Sep 03, 2021

Type Sevens on the Enneagram are also known as The Enthusiast, The Energizer, or The Multi-tasker. 

Externally, this type gets stereotyped as the life of the party. They are fun, upbeat, magnetic, an...

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Book Recommendations for Each Enneagram Type book recommendations books enneagram Sep 03, 2021

If you're reading this article, I'm guessing you too have an Amazon wish list a mile long with books you're going to get around to one of these days. 


The list below may help you narrow down your ...

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