If Speaking in Front of Others Doesn't Come Natural to You.... getting visible going live live video speaking Sep 03, 2021

If speaking in front of others doesn't come natural to you...

Me either.

I'm sure it started before this, but the most vivid confirmation of this was after a group presentation project in col...

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To Hell with Good First Impressions first impression getting visible personal branding Sep 03, 2021

There’s literally millions of articles on Google about the importance of a good first impression and the warning that you only get one of them.
But, uggg how much are we (and the people ...

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Do You Have Enneagram Type 6 Energy? enneagram enneagram 6 leadership Sep 02, 2021

Type Six on the Enneagram has been called The Loyalist, The Skeptic, The Troubleshooter, and The Guardian.

While they may struggle with anxiety and fear of what could go wrong, that same energy allow...

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How Your Enneagram Type Might be Blocking Your Wealth enneagram and money Sep 02, 2021



Income is important, but what you do with that income is what builds wealth - or not. 

Building wealth comes down to leveraging your savings into long-term financial stability. If you ea...

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Write Better for Your Business Using the Enneagram: Identify Content Strengths and Blocks content creation Aug 31, 2021

 Sharing content, whatever the platform or media, is a vital part of any business. Without it potential customers will have a hard time knowing who you are, what you stand for, how you can help, or ev...

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When Someone Thinks You've Gone Off the Deep End email marketing personal branding visibility Aug 17, 2021

Client: "I'm almost embarrassed to start sharing about my business because I'm afraid my old co-workers and family are going to think I went off the deep end."

Me: "Is the shallow end any better?" 

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Do You Have Enneagram Type 1 Energy? enneagram the improver the perfectionist type one Aug 16, 2021

Type Ones have been called The Perfectionist, but are probably more accurately referred to as The Improver.

They have both the desire and the ability to make things better - They're always on the l...

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Crash Course on the Nine Types of the Enneagram type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 type 5 type 6 type 7 type 8 type 9 Aug 09, 2021

This is for anyone new to the Enneagram (think ANY-a-gram if you're not sure how to pronounce it) or anyone who's wanting to brush up on their Enneagram wisdom to continue to learn about themselv...

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Eating and the Enneagram with Health Coach Tomesha Campbell, Type 2 eating and the enneagram type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 type 5 type 6 type 7 type 8 type 9 Aug 09, 2021

In this episode, Health Coach and Owner of A Fitness Mindset, Tomesha Campbell breaks down the best eating practices for each Enneagram type and common challenges to be aware of. There is a very ...

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Starting and Running a Business as a Type 8 - A Panel Interview type 8 Aug 09, 2021

Whether you're a Type 8 and want to learn more about yourself and connect with others like you, or you're looking to bring in some of the Eight energy into your business or getting one started, y...

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Why it Pays to Step Out From Behind the Scenes enneagram 7 enneagram types getting visible personal branding Jul 31, 2021

I used to help CEOs and executives get connected with relevant podcast interview opportunities.

One client I had reached out to podcast host, who interviews successful entrepreneurs, like John...

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How to Find the Right Clients for YOU branding customer success marketing Jul 24, 2021

In his book, This is Marketing, Seth Godin shared this story about a comedian who's agent booked him at a spot in New York City.
When he showed up to the club, he was in a great mood, and...

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