Dream Team Academy™ Spotlight: DECKED USA workshop Aug 01, 2023


For 4 months in 2023, I had the absolute pleasure of getting to know the sales team at DECKED, an outdoor and sporting goods company. As a fully remote, work-from-the-road team, the majority of our...

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The Enneagram Explained with Brittany Thomas, Type 1w9 Jul 18, 2023

How do you find your Enneagram type?

What can you do to confirm your top type?

Will your type change over time?

Can you be more than one type?


Inside this Enneagram foundations interview, ...

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The Type 9 Leadership Style: An Inclusive and Collaborative Approach leadership type 9 Jul 05, 2023

Leadership comes in various forms.


The Enneagram Type 9 leadership style brings an important blend of harmony, collaboration, and inclusivity.


In this article, you'll learn more about the stre...

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The Type 5 Leadership Style: Expertise and Thoughtful Analysis Leading the Way leadership style type 5 Jul 05, 2023

Leadership comes in various forms.


The Enneagram Type 5 leadership style brings an important blend of self-sufficiency, expertise, and thoughtful analysis.


In this article, you'll learn more a...

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How Can Type Nines More Confidently Make Decisions? type 9 Jul 04, 2023

Why do Type 9s struggle to face conflict?
What can they do to shift their people-pleasing tendencies to more self-care practices?
How can Nines be more confident in their decision-making?

These are ...

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Enneagram Team Workshop Spotlight: JCC of Indianapolis team training workshop Jul 01, 2023

This summer, I had the opportunity to share the Enneagram with the teaching team at the JCC of Indianapolis. The team dedicated a full day to learning about themselves and each other with the help of ...

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Which Types Get Along Best at Work? leadership leadership styles Jun 27, 2023

What types work best together?

This is a question that comes up during team workshops and while there are no types that work "best" together, it can be helpful to understand the strengths each...

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What Benefits do Type 1's Bring to a Team? type 1 Jun 20, 2023



Do you get frustrated when others don't follow the rules?

Do you strive to take things from good to great and have the precision and plan to make them happen?

Do you have a very loud and very ha...

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The Type 4 Leadership Style: Combining Authenticity and Creativity for Success type 4 Jun 16, 2023

Leadership comes in various forms.


The Enneagram Type 4 leadership style brings an important blend of creativity, emotional depth, and authenticity. 


In this article, you'll learn more about t...

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The Type 6 Leadership Style: Strength in Security and Reliability type 6 Jun 15, 2023


Leadership comes in various forms.


The Enneagram Type 6 leadership style can be referred to as the "Skeptical Guardian" and brings a unique focus on trust, preparedness, and loyalty.


In thi...

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Type 1 Leadership Style: Integrity and Excellence in Action Jun 15, 2023

Leadership comes in various forms.


The Enneagram Type 1 leadership style can be referred to as the "Good to Great Leader" and brings an important blend of high standards, precision, and a commitme...

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The Type 2 Leadership Style: Empathy and Support in Action type 2 Jun 15, 2023

Leadership comes in various forms.


The Enneagram Type 2 leadership style, can be referred to as "The Servant Leader." They tend to bring an important blend of empathy, support, and collaboration t...

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